Thursday, 29 May 2008


2008 has so far proved to be a pretty rubbishy financial year, and I don't just mean for me. This fact mustn't be overlooked though so lightly however, because for the first time in my life, I feel as though I have been 'credit-crunched'. No, I am not exaggerating, I am completely and utterly 100% skint as a bint. I think there are sprinkler manufacturers on more money than me. The weather is, pardon my french...shit. And so is the Great British Economy. I vote we all just run off to Spain, seems nice enough there. Sun is out more at least.

I am feeling rather philosophical at present, I can't turn a page in the Daily Mail (delivered to work for free) most days without hearing that one in 10 of our children will be killed or seriously injured, or that some woman has jumped off a cliff leaving her child behind as she is 'depressed', or that Gordon Brown has yet again, cocked everything up. It seems that everyone in Britain knows that our attitudes towards burglars getting compensation for a broken leg from falling through roofs (in an attempt to rob some poor schmuck's house) are a load of bollocks and that quite frankly this country has gone completely mental, everyone it seems, apart from the bloody idiots that 'run' this country. I think a 5 year old with an IQ of 50 has more sense than this government. Well quite honestly, sort it out PM, and the rest of you, cos I can't afford my mortgage unless you get your banks to lower their interest rates and stop profiteering, and lower the goddamn fuel rates and food bills. I am poor! and this situation I am in now, is rather, well uninvited.


duckling said...

Nice rant Poph - you sound like you know what you're on about too! ;) x

sduck said...

i do! i'm up to my eyeballs in this junk everyday! raaaaaa.

hope you and your mug and strawberry colander are well xx