Monday, 16 February 2009

My Humble Apologies

Please accept the above...for my lack of posts and lack of sticking to my new years resolutions.

What inspires me to blog? Hmm, that is actually a very difficult question to answer. I would say that when I get the odd 'nudge' from people saying, 'Oi, keep it up you lazy so 'n so' that inclines me to log in and get typing, but that would be telling a porky. And no, it is not the guilt I feel when I see other people writing and updating theirs twice a week (twice a week? don't you have a life!?) either. It is in actual fact, when I find something positive to write about. Oh no, I can hear you cry, she's off on another one of her miserable, self-deprecating, depressing bouts of garbage again, about how sad she's been and how there's no meaning to her life...blah blah blah, but I promise you right here and now, that I'm not suggesting this at all. I am merely trying to spare you the jumbled blur of speech that comes pouring out of my mouth/fingertips that generally ends up in a post about absolutely nothing. So there you have it, I am simply seeking for something interesting and stimulating to write about. Here end'th the 1st lesson.

Here begins the 2nd. Unfortunately I won't let you off that lightly, as some rather grating events have occured that, like a disease, have beguiled me of my strength of late. And oh yes, you've guessed it, it was about money. I will try not to bore you with all the details, for those who know me, you've probably heard all accounts and on more than one occasion anyway, but I will say this, don't think just because Rabbits are smaller and not exactly like dogs or cats (although I am finding this more and more debatable given the way mine act) that they don't cost much at the vet, and aren't worth insuring. Having to pick up a bill for a 2 night and 2 day hospital stay was not on the agenda last week, especially as my car's brake discs weren't budgeted to be replaced the same day either. Bang goes all my savings for Paris.

Hurrah, I managed to turn a negative-sounding post into something good at the end! Cue, Paris talk. So, after six months, (six MONTHS!) of being at home in rainy/cold/icy/depressing (oops sorry) Britain, I am at last off overseas again. OK, so it's only one, mini sea, La Manche, but still, it involves using the passport and yet doesn't involve flying...Woohoo! Bonus. *recollects fear of flying and starts to sweat*. So, the lack of money does bother me a tad, but, if it means less shopping for clothes that look good in Paris yet slightly too radical in London, then I suppose my rabbit did me a favour. I am beginning the Parisian Itinerary today and I shall let you know my progress and, of course, the photos will come in their hundreds upon my return.

I suppose I could use this link to promote my 'work in progress' website. Highly original, I know, but as the last Duckworth in the family, why not celebrate it? After all, I am not sure of my intentions of this website, so naming it in any other sense is quite a challenge, but it is cool to finally have one. Please feel free to poke fun, laugh at, suggest any improvements (but don't blame me if I bite your head off as criticism is not something I am very good at accepting), and of course, buy as many prints as your heart desires. Hey, I can dream can't I?

Au revoir for now, I shall be back with berets on upon my return.