My catch 22 situation comes in the form of being bored senseless all day so much so my words are merging into one another, instead of saying "the rabbit is about to leap or jump off the sofa", I come out with 'Lump', or 'Jeap'. My tiny brain is so confused by this that I carry on repeating each word until I can figure out how to put them back together, and then which word to choose to say. I have done this about 6 times today. I am so despondent while I'm at work that all I want to do is go home and paint, (a way of possibly earning a bit more money) but when I get home and I'm free to do so, I'm so bloody exhausted from doing my 'nothingness' daily role that I'm too tired to do it. So I can't win. And it sucks. I have also established that I can no longer write properly's amazing isn't it? How your brain completely shuts down when it's not being used, and you literally have no words left in your head. So I apologise for my poorly written efforts of late, things just aren't ticking along like they used to.
I am hoping for something to look forward to this week, but really, no matter how hard I search, the best I can come up with is a trip to M&S and lunch with my Mother. Which, in fairness I am quite happy about, as she's been away this weekend with my Father, so there was no nice dinner on Sunday night to consume. I just have to pray that I don't moan about my sorry excuse for a life too much, as I fear I may send her over the edge. Bless her, she worries more than my Nanny, which trust me, is more than a crap estate agent with no job to do right now. So, there we go, I have found something positive, it wasn't that hard now was it Sophie? So cheer up you miserable old cow.
Daftest thing I did today:
Left my toothbrush and toothpaste at work
Best song I heard today:
Bluebell Polka, Jimmy Shand
Thing I missed most today:
My mid-week bottle of wine :(
Best photo I took last week: