Friday, 30 May 2008

Bulbous Builders

No, I do not wish to see your kebab-filled gut. Nor do I take pleasure in viewing your behind. Just dress properly and get on with the job.

Outside my office, is a parade of 'work'men, (although this is debatable) who since 9 o clock this morning (quite an impressive early start for them) have been digging up the car park generating the most noise possible. This is not a good start to a Friday with a hangover. After the digging concluded, one perverted looking chap came careering round the corner in the stereotypical white van with the driver side door wide open blaring out what one can only describe as 80's House music. He hopped out of the van, sidled over towards his colleague and lit a cigarette. Smoking near a gas work site, is not such a great idea you may think, but what really got me was the fact he left the bloody door open and turned the music up! Having to repeat myself to the world's most irritable vendor was not a moment I shall cherish, so thanks very much British Gas, for employing the world's most inconsiderable bastards to do your work for you.

1 comment:

mrsnatmartin said...

You're so funny. Hehe. My insides are chuckling.