I love Buddy Holly. I can still recall the moment when I was at a Buddy concert and I got thrown the actor's plectrum...absolutely delighted I was, until some older girl next to me nicked it off me. I will never be able to count how many tears I cried on the coach back, I loved that pick, and that concert. Still 'raving on' to this day, Buddy will never leave my track list!
Today was a mixed day, I seem to have involuntarily adopted the role of receptionist as well as negotiator, and of course washer-upper of disgusting teaspoons left for days in the sink. Our beloved, and ever so slightly eccentric secretary is off on holiday this week, and as my manager (as competent as he is) is as organised as Gordon Brown, he has managed to plonk all of her work onto my desk. This I am not amused by, but seeing as I am bored out of my brain most days, the added work is actually of interest to me! Now I know I'm in trouble.
Bedtime now, for once this week, I would like to have an uninterrupted night's sleep, seeing as the birds get up at 2am where I live, so sleeping with the window is not an option. Wish me luck...goodnight all!
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Fingers and Toes
I am praying for a few things to happen soon.
Firstly, I would LOVE my sister who is a brilliant, yet often disturbing, writer to get published. I have not read the entirety of her book, but I have read and heard enough to know it's better than some of the crap I choose at the airport last minute. Therefore, it has to be published, so I am hoping with all my might that it does.
Secondly, I am hoping to either sell a dozen houses in the next couple of months or find a new job that will actually accept and pay me lots of money. Well, I don't want lots of money, just enough so I don't wince at spending 500 quid on a handbag...so I guess that's about 60k a year then! As egotistical as I am, even I don't think I am worth that much. 40k would be nice though...I'll keep dreaming.
Thirdly, and certainly not lastly, I am praying that my adorable parents get planning permission on their house. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Guildford Borough Council, don't be miserable bastards, say yes! you know you want to!
Aside from the above, my life has not been too bad at all lately, furniture for 2nd bedroom is arriving on Wednesday, hurrah! Very excited about this...I can finally fit all three of my computers/macs on one desk. And my boyfriend is being extra specially nice to me, took me out for a much needed dinner last night. Fajitas by the lake, yum, of course with wine, just a simple Chablis, yum. Couldn't manage pudding, although I did come home and succumb to a Snickers ice cream.
Most random thing I heard today:
That my colleague has a poltergeist living in his house who proceeded to punch him in the face in the middle of last night and then throw him across the room resulting in an immaculately cut foot. Freaky stuff.
Most important chore of the day (which has still not been done):
Ironing...still. I really really really hate it.
Best song tonight:
I am praying for a few things to happen soon.
Firstly, I would LOVE my sister who is a brilliant, yet often disturbing, writer to get published. I have not read the entirety of her book, but I have read and heard enough to know it's better than some of the crap I choose at the airport last minute. Therefore, it has to be published, so I am hoping with all my might that it does.
Secondly, I am hoping to either sell a dozen houses in the next couple of months or find a new job that will actually accept and pay me lots of money. Well, I don't want lots of money, just enough so I don't wince at spending 500 quid on a handbag...so I guess that's about 60k a year then! As egotistical as I am, even I don't think I am worth that much. 40k would be nice though...I'll keep dreaming.
Thirdly, and certainly not lastly, I am praying that my adorable parents get planning permission on their house. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Guildford Borough Council, don't be miserable bastards, say yes! you know you want to!
Aside from the above, my life has not been too bad at all lately, furniture for 2nd bedroom is arriving on Wednesday, hurrah! Very excited about this...I can finally fit all three of my computers/macs on one desk. And my boyfriend is being extra specially nice to me, took me out for a much needed dinner last night. Fajitas by the lake, yum, of course with wine, just a simple Chablis, yum. Couldn't manage pudding, although I did come home and succumb to a Snickers ice cream.
Most random thing I heard today:
That my colleague has a poltergeist living in his house who proceeded to punch him in the face in the middle of last night and then throw him across the room resulting in an immaculately cut foot. Freaky stuff.
Most important chore of the day (which has still not been done):
Ironing...still. I really really really hate it.
Best song tonight:
Monday, 9 June 2008
What's red and invisible?

No tomatoes.
What's brown and sticky?
A stick.
What's orange and streaky?
I thought seeing as I only go out once a year, that I ought to make the effort to look as though I have been making the most of the Sun this week... so out came the 'never been used' fake tan. Nice move Soph. Last Christmas my Grandad kindly bought me some sachets of 'mitt applied' fake tan, despite the fact I asked for Gucci Envy perfume...(but then he is 95 so I'll give him some credit) and on Saturday evening I thought I would give them a go. Little did I know that the stuff dries in about 10 secs and you can't even see where its bloody been applied to, so I thought oh well sod it, I'll just go out and hopefully it will start to show later....THANK THE LORD it didn't. After smelling of biscuits all night, (and not the desired Marc Jacob's Daisy), I got slightly pissed off that I was as white as china plate when I left the party. Only to discover on Sunday morning that I looked like I was doing a promotion for Orange. A bad one, where I'd forgotten half the outfit. In mad desperation and realising it was 25 degrees outside- therefore there was no way I could cover up in jeans all day, I called my mother. 'Get scrubbing!' she said almost offering to come over with some exfoliating lotion bless her. (She had had a similar episode with her feet after overdosing on Johnson's Holiday Skin.) And so I did, 25 minutes I was in the shower, until I no longer looked orange, more red raw instead.
Anyway, it didn't do the trick as today I saw three people looking at my Mark Rothko effect arm as if to say, 'Jesus, you screwed up the fake tan a bit love didn't you?' Yes, well I hold my hands up, I did, and I shall now be pasty forever more.

Housing market is still shite, in fact getting worse by the hour, I keep praying that one of these days I'll sell 3 houses in a row like the old days, instead it's an impossible job just to keep the damn existing ones together. Hey ho, life is tough sometimes I suppose. Better dig that CV out...
As usual my gardening cheered me up no end this weekend and I have some fabulous new plants to show for my giddiness. I should be drinking myself into a stupor considering how poor I am
but instead I am cooing over the rabbits and pruning my beloved specimens. Golf tomorrow, yay! Mid-life crisis in your mid-twenties...is that possible?
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