Saturday 24 May 2008

All things green and beautiful...

The sun is shining wahaay! going to the garden centre with my mother today, she's going on holiday tomorrow so I'm making the most of her and her advice about plants. Hope the rain holds off until tomorrow as I am also picking up my sticks again and playing golf this afternoon...well attempting to play. It has been a long time.

Things I must also do today that will end up being left until Monday:

Washing, again.
Ironing the last two loads of washing.
Cleaning...ahh that word that comes around far too often, surprising how much dust two people can generate in the space of a week.
Painting...this is something I should do today! Have started a new painting of Olivia, 6, and well I haven't exactly got very far.

We shall see how the day progresses.

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