Saturday 13 September 2008

September Success

I am unbelievably happy today, firstly, it's my day off, secondly, I bought two pairs of amazing shoes on Thursday followed by some rather nice boots today, and thirdly, and probably most importantly, my dear little rose has finally grown a bud. If any of you can recall a post I wrote about a month ago, I talked about a special rose plant that my Mum had given me to nurture. With great patience, and an awful lot of Rose Bug Spray, it has at last given me a rose. I am overjoyed! (that means I must have done something right, considering not everything lives in my garden, recently my Red Hot Poker died on me suddenly in an oozing mass of rotten sludge). The colour is beautiful too, here it is in all its (small) glory.
I also appear to have sorted out my life, well, to a degree. I have one week left at work, and then I'm off to pastures new. I will be working for a particularly small company in the heart of Fulham, (god knows how I'm going to stay away from the interiors shops-possibly the reminder of various overdraft limits), and then I shall become a Product Specialist for a particularly new Business which I am very excited to get into. Not wanting to give too much away (as I know there are strange people out there, I'll just say that I'll be working my socks off and only my sister knows the details.)

So, back to the shoes, well I can hardly contain my excitement about them, I have been walking around the house in them for the last 2 days, even though my feet are crippled from the 10 hour walk around London on Thursday. But how can I afford them? Well, I can't to be frank, my parents are paying for one pair (birthday present) and I am, well, my credit card is temporarily paying for the other. The boots were partly a birthday present from my delightful best friends, and partly 30% off, and partly, well again, Mr C Card. But! I am getting about 7 months of petrol allowance in this month's pay slip, plus some commission (for once!) so I feel less guilty than I would normally.

Anyway, the day is still young, I'm off to flog a desk and some shelves on Ebay. Or if I can't be bothered, then I'll probably just take them down the dump. If anyone needs them, let me know!

Nicest thing I ate today:

Toasted cheese and ham sandwiches made in my new (birthday present again) Breville toasted sandwich maker. Sometimes, you simply can't beat good old comfort food.

Crappest thing I discovered today:

My toilet seat is now completely broken.

Thing I am most likely to avoid doing this weekend:

Re-felting the shed roof.

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